Your 6 Point Guide to CARE-FULL Eating
If you want to feel great, eat CARE-FULLY!
CARE-FULL eating is all about taking care of YOU through thoughtful eating practices that help you meet your health goals and feel your best. You’ll provide your body with the energy and nutrition that it needs to function well and maintain health.
To practice CARE-FULL eating use this guide.
Ask yourself these 6 questions when you are in the grocery store, planning your meals for the week, or sitting down to eat:
- Am I eating at a mealtime? An eating schedule helps you avoid mindless snacking, impulsive or emotional eating, and helps keep calorie intake in check.
- Am I focusing on my meal, or distracted by something else? Eat in your eating place. Avoid eating in the car, in front of the TV, or in your relaxing place.
- Have I chosen food that fuels my body? Food is energy. Your energy levels are directly related to the food that put in your body. Higher quality food equals better and longer lasting energy.
- Is my meal colorful and balanced? Colorful fruits and vegetables provide important micro-nutrition as well as fiber.
- Have I included the right amount of protein? Bariatric patients need Protein. 30-30-30; that is 30 grams of protein, 3 times each day to help you maintain muscle and a healthy metabolism.
- Is this portion size right for me? Small stomach pouches can only hold about 4-6oz of food per meal. Use a food scale or small cups and plates so you don’t over fill your pouch.
Learn more about bariatric nutrition at the Great Start Group Online Meetings.