Why I Need a Support System….and Why You Might too…
I am a strong, not very emotional person, who doesn’t easily share my “feelings” with others (especially as it relates to my food addiction). As a result, I ended up largely alone on my bariatric journey until…
I slowly built a support network. Now I count on
“my people” for daily encouragement and advice. And, surprisingly, this is one
of the primary reasons that I have been successful in my weight loss journey. Here’s
why a support system has been so important to me:
- We all stumble and fall. Sometimes I need friends and family to pick me up.
- We can learn from others. The knowledge that I have gained about nutrition, hydration, exercise, and the mental aspects of weight loss surgery has been invaluable.
- We can teach others. As a long-term postop patient, who is maintaining a 150+ pound weight loss, I feel good when I provide encouragement, insight, and support to those who are new to the bariatric journey. And this, in turn, benefits me.
- We all need accountability, especially in areas where we are weak. I struggle with evening eating so I have an accountability partner to help me resist nighttime temptation….and I still mess up sometimes!
- We are stronger together. Weight loss surgery is not easy; other patients understand the ups and downs of your journey. They have become my “bariatric family.”
Most importantly, I have met new people who offer different perspectives and provide encouragement when I am “down.” I have so many amazing friends, from all over the country, that I know because of the Unjury Great Start and LifeLong Support Groups.
My weight loss surgery journey has been more successful because of my support team. I am so grateful for my bariatric friends.
Who will be in your support group? Reach out to them today!