The Weight Loss Solution you may not know about
Judy is a 48-year-old nurse, dedicated and hardworking. She is an excellent care giver except when it comes to taking care of herself.
Judy’s enemy is time! She works long hours, and has always struggled to make time for cooking healthy meals. She is a lifelong dieter who knows A LOT about food and nutrition. She knows what she needs to do, and she knows it’s easier said than done. You can probably empathize with Judy on that point!
Judy says, “I don’t have time to cook perfect meals, and who wants to count calories every day anyway?”
The Solution: UNJURY® Protein Centric Meal Replacements. You...
- Lose Weight
- Save Time
- Save Money
- Burn Fat
- Enjoy Great taste and four exciting flavors!
All in one scoop! Just add water. This scoop is so amazing, we call it Super Scoop! It has so much good stuff, it can actually replace a meal – with fewer calories than the meal and 50% of your daily vitamin needs (2 scoops per day means you won’t have to purchase separate multivitamins)!
- 2 minutes to make
- Less than $3 for an entire meal replacement
- Excellent way to lose weight—Medical research tells us that Meal Replacements work for weight loss[i]
Like all UNJURY® products, our meal replacement is known for the highest quality and truly great taste.
Are you ready to get back on track and stay there? UNJURY wants to help.
[i] Look AHEAD Research Group, Wadden TA, et al. Eight-Year Weight Losses with an Intensive Lifestyle Intervention: The Look AHEAD Study. Obesity 2014; 22: 5-13.