Succeed by Understanding The Three Pillars of Health
UNJURY loves being a partner in your health, because we care! We’re here to help you understand obesity from all sides and help you manage the disease long term.
Today, we're focusing on the three pillars of health: Physical, Mental, and Social.
Obesity is a complicated disease. Good nutrition and exercise are 2 important pieces of the puzzle, but there is so much more to think about.
Considering ALL the possible things that might be contributing to a health problem, can help someone find new solutions.
Let’s break down some factors that might be contributing to Overweight and Obesity…
Three Pillars of Health
1. How is your Physical Health?
- Do you get adequate nutrition - protein, vitamins, and other healthy foods?
- Are you able to exercise?
- Do you have thyroid disease, diabetes, fatty liver?
- Does obesity run in your family?
2. How is your Mental Health?
- Do you feel depressed or anxious?
- Do you have trouble sleeping?
- Everyone has stress. How do you cope with it?
- Do you struggle with emotional eating?
3. How is your Social Health?
- Do you have a positive and socially-connected work environment?
- Do you have healthy hobbies or interests? (hiking, yoga, walking your dog)
- Do you have support from friends and family?
- Do you have access to a medical team who understands the disease of obesity?
We invite you to our free Zoom Support Group meetings every Wednesday at 7:00 PM ET, We often have clinical experts speak to many of these tough questions on our weekly virtual support group meetings, and patients find the advice very helpful.
The UNJURY Cares Facebook page is a great resource for nutrition, education, and support. Weekly support group meetings help you learn as much as possible about treating the disease and you get to hear how others are tackling similar issues.
We love being a partner in your health because we care!
Join us to learn more about the things that affect your health and weight.