Safe For You and Your Baby!
Expecting Moms Need Protein to Nourish Healthy Babies
Growing babies need protein. This nutrient is found in every cell in your baby’s body. Protein is important to your baby’s growth and development – from their bones, brain, skin, muscles, fingers and toes, to their digestive, respiratory, and nervous and sensory (eyes, ears, smell, touch) systems.
UNJURY is safe for you and your baby!
What to eat while pregnant can be confusing and sometimes frustrating!
You want to do what’s best for your baby, but it can feel like many foods are restricted, or nausea may prevent you from tolerating foods you know are healthy.
OB-GYNs recommend UNJURY because they know how critical high-quality protein is for developing babies. They understand how difficult getting enough protein can be especially if the expecting mother is experiencing nausea, has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, or is feeling full quickly. One practice gives samples to their patients during birthing classes, to introduce patients to UNJURY early on.
You Can Trust UNJURY!
UNJURY was designed by a Master’s-Level Dietitian on the principle that protein is the thing that can be hardest to get from foods. We believe that protein is not only the hardest to get, but also the most important for you and your baby.
Learn more about the importance of protein. –take to “Pros of Protein”
How do I know if UNJURY is safe for my baby?
Your baby needs protein for every cell as it grows and develops. The protein in UNJURY is whey protein isolate that comes from cow’s milk, and it is trusted and recommended at America’s Top Hospitals. UNJURY is Medical Quality Protein™. In fact, an experienced Registered Dietitian originally developed it for cancer patients, so we understand the importance of pure, high quality ingredients and provide ONLY the best for you and your baby. There is no added caffeine in UNJURY, and we offer flavors that do not use sweeteners or sucralose. There is no gluten or soy protein in UNJURY’s formula (except for a small amount of soy protein in the Chicken Soup flavor), and each flavor contains negligible lactose1.
If you have questions about UNJURY’s ingredients and the safety of these ingredients for your baby, please consult your dietitian or call 800-517-5111 to speak with one of UNJURY’s Registered Dietitians.
1 Manufacturing employs practices designed to segregate ingredients on equipment that also produces egg, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, soy, fish and shellfish products.