Protein: Grocery Store Brand vs. Designed for You
If you were running in the Olympics, would you wear sneakers that you picked up at the corner market?
No question, you would want every possible advantage for your big race. You would choose a running shoe that was designed by people who know a runner’s body and feet REALLY well.
Specially made shoes are Worth It. Products that are designed especially for you, make a difference.
The same principle is true when it comes to protein products for weight loss surgery patients.
Big box stores and local pharmacies sell protein products, but who are those products intended for? A body builder, an aging person, or someone who is interested in weight loss?
Off the shelf products are OK for some, but they don’t fit the needs of many bariatric patients. High quality ingredients matter because they affect how well you tolerate the product and how good it tastes. When protein shakes taste great, you are more likely to meet your daily protein goals.
UNJURY® works closely with our Scientific Nutrition Advisors who know exactly what bariatric patients need to be successful and cross the finish line feeling great.
If your goal is to win your health back, think like an athlete, and get the advantage by choosing products that were designed for U!
Your Health is Worth Medical Quality Protein!