Meal Planning Made Easy

Meal Planning Made Easy

“When we plan our meals and cook for ourselves, we are reminding ourselves that we are worth it, and worth taking care of.”

– Elaine Lozano MS, RD

Thank you to Elaine, who recently joined us for our UNJURY Cares Support Group on Meal Planning. Meal planning can help you eat healthier and save money. The more you meal plan, the smarter you’ll become about food.  Elaine gave us these top five tips to make meal planning easier:

  1. Pick a short period of time each week when you will think about your meals and make a general plan. For example, stick to Sundays to plan your meals and make them for the week.
  2. Write down the things that you like to eat. Keep a list of easy meal options to cycle through. Picking your meals is half of the battle for meal planning.
  3. Host a Meal Prep virtual party! Call a friend or family member and chat while you prep. Making meal prep a fun and shared occasion can help you stay on track.
  4. Chop up your vegetables when you bring them home from the grocery store, before you even put them in the refrigerator. That makes it easier to grab a healthy snack and to include veggies in your meals more often.
  5. Check your meal plan for the day so that you can stay on track. Stick to what you laid out for yourself at the start of the week.

Remember, “a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” Get started with your meal planning today.

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