Is Your Ready-To-Drink Protein the Highest Quality?
Thank you for all the fantastic feedback about our new UNJURY® Ready-To-Drink Protein! We appreciate it so much and love hearing from everyone with comments and questions. During a recent conversation with a customer, the question came up, “how come you don’t use Whey Protein in the ready-to-drink product, like you do in your powder protein?” Great question! We have always used the highest quality Whey Protein Isolate in our powders and we do think that it is the ultimate in protein quality. However, it doesn’t work well in non-acidic ready-to-drink products. In order to make our ready-to-drink products shelf-stable, they have to be exposed to high temperatures. Whey Protein Isolate will congeal if it is heated too high. You might have seen fruit flavored protein drinks that use Whey Protein Isolate, but they use phosphoric acid and preservatives to make a shelf-stable beverage (not high temperatures). These products often taste astringent. Since Whey Protein Isolate was not an option for UNJURY® Ready-To-Drink, we chose the next best protein source, Milk Protein Isolate. Milk Protein Isolate also has a 100 PDCAAS (Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score) while delivering great taste, drinkability and stability. Unlike other companies, we do not use any Whey Protein Concentrates, Milk Protein Concentrates or Caseinates. We even have a specification called UNJURY® MPI, which is higher than industry specification for Milk Protein Isolate. We always choose the best product for you!