Here’s How to Know What’s Important!
A note from Jerome, President of UNJURY Protein:
Sometimes it is hard to know what is most important. There is so much going on in everyone’s lives.
Here are my personal suggestions:
- Do what’s right for you.
- Other people can have their opinions, and you can consider them, but then you decide what is right for you.
- Anyone over 50 will tell you, “What’s most important is your health,” and “When you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything”. So, health should be #1.
- UNJURY® Protein was founded based on Martha’s deep conviction that protein is the most important, most fundamental nutrient. We believe in providing what is best for your health.
We don’t just TALK protein here at UNJURY, we live it. I get over 30 grams of high-quality protein 4 times a day, including two large shakes. That is more that what we recommend for you based on the research. The research strongly supports 30-30-30...30 grams high quality protein 3 times per day, so that is what we recommend, but over time, the recommendations have been increasing.
The protein in UNJURY is truly the best you can buy, at a good price.
Any questions, email me at and say “Attention Jerome.”
Kind regards,
Jerome Krachenfels