Guess What is the Ultimate Superfood!!
What IS a superfood - really?
According to Ansley Hill RD, LD, “superfood” is not a scientific term, but a term that that the food industry uses to identify nutrient-rich foods that may positively affect health.1
Let’s look at Protein.
Protein is found in every cell in your body. It definitely has a positive effect on health, in so many ways and it’s arguably the most important nutrient for quality of life. No nutrient benefits your body in so many critical ways. It isn’t even a close call.
Here are 5 reasons that protein is the ultimate Superfood.
- Protein is the body’s building material. It is the nutrient that helps you repair cells and make new ones. Protein is essential when you are recovering from illness or injury and when you need to strengthen or repair muscle tissue.
- Protein is an immune system booster. Your body must have protein to create the new immune cells that help you fight when you are sick.
- Protein amino acids (building blocks) are used to make hormones and enzymes that your body needs for signaling, digestion, regulating mood and metabolism.
- Protein is satisfying and filling. It helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight by balancing blood sugar, and making you feel full and satisfied after a meal.
- Protein is a steady energy resource. You won’t get the roller coaster highs and lows or cravings with protein that you get with processed carbohydrates and sugar.
UNJURY® Protein is the highest quality “Superfood” available. Boost your protein intake today and feel all the benefits that comes with superfood nutrition. Best protein, Best results.