Get The Best *Nutrition* Value for Your Money
These days, we all want to get the most value possible when we buy food.
We looked at two questions:
The answer to both questions is Protein.
Protein is most expensive. Look at the price of beef or yogurt.
Protein is the most important nutrient for your overall health, and for weight management.
That makes protein “worth it” for your health. You have no doubt heard the expression:
“When you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything”
It’s true. So we compared:
- Chicken breast
- 80% ground beef
- Fresh salmon
- Skim milk
- Fage and Chobani Greek yogurt
- Fairlife non-fat
- Large eggs
How to compare? We looked at:
- Price per gram of protein
- Protein QUALITY for your body (amino acid profile)
- How much fat and sugar comes WITH the protein?
Here’s what we found: when you take advantage of the UNJURY® subscription plan, and use Healthy Reward Points, UNJURY® Protein really is the best value for your money! Let’s look more closely:
Some items are pretty close in cost per gram, including eggs, chicken and 80% ground beef, but UNJURY® is less expensive than the meat, and just a little more than eggs, but meat has more fat and eggs even more: 60% of the calories in eggs are from fat!
Yogurt is double the cost per gram of protein, and the flavored varieties are usually high in sugar.
Skim milk and Fairlife are cheaper, but they too have more sugar.
Finally there is the protein quality…how well your body can use the protein.
This is really important; UNJURY has the best amino acid profile of all. The PDCAAS is 100% AND it is the highest in leucine, which is key to helping your body USE the protein better. Suppose there were a brand of gasoline that was 10% cheaper, but your gas mileage, your miles per gallon with the cheaper brand was 50% less! You would stick with the better gasoline, it’s a much better value. It is the same with protein. You might save 10% and get a lot less protein value for your body.
The jury is in!
UNJURY® Protein is among the most affordable proteins on a cost per gram
UNJURY® Protein is lower in fat or sugar than other protein sources
UNJURY® Protein is more convenient
UNJURY® Protein is tops in amino acid profile and leucine, so your body get more protein value.