10 Exercise Ideas for March for Me
Goal #2 of March for Me is for you to choose your challenge—what gets you up and moving? Consult your doctor before making a significant increase in your exercise program. As always, it's good to begin gradually and observe how it progresses to avoid injury.
Here are 10 goal ideas:
- Walk for 10-15 minutes every day—start by walking for 10 minutes per day, then gradually increase to 15 minutes over the course of the month.
- Walk for 30 minutes every other day.
- Join a yoga class two times each week.
- Participate in water aerobics two times each week.
- Lift small hand weights, cans, or milk cartons for five minutes every other day. Increase the weight slowly if the routine becomes easy.
- Exercise with stretchy bands for 10 minutes every other day.
- Work with a personal trainer twice a week.
- Ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes every other day.
- Dance or Zumba exercises three times per week.
- Lightly jog for one mile three times per week.