Fight Colds and Flu with Protein!
Flu and Virus season is here!
Did you know that protein is important to keeping your immune system – your resistance to viruses and infections – strong?
Here’s how quality protein can be important:
- Your white blood cells are your primary defense against infection, whether it is bacteria or viruses.
- White cells have a surprisingly short life span, some as short as 1 to 3 days*, so your body is constantly making new white cells—every day.
- Your body needs to increase your white blood cell count quickly when a virus infection begins.
- To make white cells, your body needs protein.
- You need a good intake of quality protein each day to make plenty of white cells.
Here’s a common downfall:
When we feel sick, we don’t feel like eating, and if we do each, carbs sometimes seem the most appealing or easiest. Yet that is just when you need to keep making white cells, so that is exactly when you need to keep your protein up.
Have plenty of UNJURY® Chicken Soup Flavor handy. It’s a super protein source, and is both soothing and savory. It’s just what the doctor ordered!
Also check out UNJURY® Protein Centric Meal Replacements. They provide 27grams of the highest quality protein to help protect your immune system, and the vitamins and minerals that you need to fight infection. Just 2 servings each day gets you most of the nutrition you need in a day.
Extra Notes
Medical research says people over 40 will benefit from getting 30 grams of quality protein, 3 times a day.
Inflammation can elevate your protein needs; infections, both bacterial and viral, can cause inflammation.
A multivitamin is a great insurance policy too. Several vitamins and minerals have been shown to help support immune response. OPURITY® Vitamins give you the vitamins you need, and quality you can trust, for just 2 or 3 dimes a day.
Support your family’s immune system this winter with UNJURY® Medical Quality Protein™.