Transform Your Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes!
First, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Now, looking forward to Friday, you might well have some leftovers from your Thanksgiving dinner. Here are some great ways to transform your leftovers: FROM:Ordinary leftovers TO: Delicious UNJURY®-Powered High Protein Leftovers!
You can Click below to Download a nice PDF of these 7 great recipes, OR look at the very bottom of this email, BELOW the signature for all seven. Here is the list: High Protein Turkey Soup High Protein Mashed Potatoes High Protein Sweet Potato Mash High Protein Stuffing High Protein Turkey Salad Enjoy
UNJURY Holiday Leftover IdeasHigh Protein Turkey Soup
2 servings of leftover cooked vegetables or frozen vegetables Leftover turkey Unjury Chicken Soup flavor Warm vegetables in microwave and drain Cut up leftover turkey Measure 2 cups water (16 oz) and heat in microwave (heat only to 140 degrees) Stir in 2 scoops or packets Chicken Soup Flavor UNJURY to warm wate Stir warm vegetables and turkey into Chicken Soup Flavor UNJURY. Enjoy!
High Protein Mashed Potatoes
Leftover mashed potatoes Unjury Chicken Soup Flavor or Protein’d Cheese Sauce Mix 1 serving of either Unjury Chicken Soup or Protein’d Cheese sauce as directed Pour over mashed potatoes and mix in well
High Protein Sweet Potato Mash Leftover mashed sweet potatoes Vanilla UNJURY Mix 1/2 scoop of Vanilla UNJURY int 1/3 cup heated, mashed sweet potatoes. Stir until mixed.
High Protein Turkey Salad Leftover Turkey 1 cup fat free mayo or fat free plain Greek Yogurt Unjury Chicken Soup Flavor Stir 1 Scoop or packet Chicken Soup Flavor UNJURY into 1 cup fat free mayo Combine mayo mixture with leftover Turkey Store extra mayo spread in refrigerator and use in place of mayo for up to two days. Optional: Add almonds, or a few chopped, fresh cranberries for extra flavor. Put on toast or hollow out a tomato and stuff with turkey salad.
High Protein Stuffing Leftover prepared stuffing Unjury Chicken Soup flavor Unjury Unflavored Heat leftover cooked stuffing in microwave Heat 8 oz of water to 140°F. Use food thermometer to be fairly accurate for best results. Add ½ scoop of Unjury Chicken Soup flavor and ½ scoop of Unjury Unflavored to pre-heated water. Stir until smooth. Makes enough for family style (six servings) stuffing. Pour a small amount of mixed Unjury over heated stuffing and allow liquid to absorb. Stuffing will be moist and ready to enjoy