The Top Three Benefits of Whey Protein

The Top Three Benefits of Whey Protein

Last week, you heard from us why Whey Protein is the best protein, how much protein you should get each day (30 grams three times a day – 30-30-30), and the plan for getting your protein.

So what are the long-term benefits of Whey Protein? We’re glad you asked.

  1. Weight Maintenance and Loss – Whey Protein keeps you satisfied longer and enables your body to build lean muscle that burns calories, even at rest. We always say 30-30-30—getting 30 grams of protein 3 times a day. Getting 90 grams of protein from food alone can lead to consumption of a high number of calories. UNJURY® high-protein powdersready-to-drink shakesprotein bars, and meal replacement shakes are an easy solution. With UNJURY® Whey Protein, you can stay full longer and crowd out snacks that can cause weight gain.

Remember, maintaining muscle is critical to weight management. Muscle is the main way you burn calories. And whey is the best protein for muscle. So let’s talk about that a little more…

  • Muscle Maintenance and Building - To succeed long term, the goal is to preserve muscle mass and use fat stores for fuel instead of muscle. Eating 30 grams of high-quality protein at each meal (or three times a day) provides the body with the best chance to make and preserve muscle mass.  In addition, regular exercise is important to build muscle mass.  When you do exercise, try to follow it with a serving of high-quality protein.
  • Immunity Support - Eating well is the key to staying healthy, and that starts with protein. You need enough protein to be able to repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections. Your body needs protein to create immune system antibodies that attack infections, so make sure to get the right amount.     

Medical studies show that adult-over-40 protein intake should be about 30 grams, three times a day, to help maintain muscle, and we believe that’s good advice for maintaining your immune system as well. 

UNJURY® helps you to get high quality Whey Protein in a tasty and convenient way. And, all UNJURY® protein supplements and products are shelf stable—so they’ll last over a year after they arrive.

The right Supplements for your needs

Use Unjury Protein along with healthy eating and regular exercise for vitality and healthy aging.

Healthy Aging

To maintain vitality as we age, we need more high-quality protein. Medical research says that over the age of 40, we need 30 grams of high-quality protein, three times a day. You get more of the highest quality protein with UNJURY®. You also get far lower carb, fat, sugar and calories than in the heavily advertised flagship nutrition drinks you see on TV.

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Use Unjury Protein to support your wellness journey pre and post bariatric surgery.

Bariatic Surgery

A bariatric dietitian said it perfectly: “Patients who use UNJURY® Protein just seem to do better.” UNJURY is recommended at all of America’s Top-Rated Hospitals & top-rated for taste by patients. Do better – with UNJURY.

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Unjury protein is a vital too for long term weight loss success.

Weight Loss

Protein supplements work. No serious diet we know of says “get more fat and carbs.” We need protein first – without all the fat and carbs. In fact, we need top-quality protein, so we can maintain muscle and a healthy metabolism even as we lose weight. It's essential for long term success.

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Unjury Protein is low in sugar and is ideal to help support blood sugar management.

Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders

UNJURY® Medical Quality Protein™ is very low in sugar and ideal for weight loss & blood sugar management. Weight loss means less medication, stable glucose levels, and more control. Feel better knowing that UNJURY® Protein is recommended at ALL of America’s top-rated hospitals.

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Unjury Protein is a supplement to help support recovery and is recommended at top cancer centers.


UNJURY® Medical Quality Protein™ is recommended at Top Cancer Centers in America. It’s the best protein supplement for recovery as well as helping maintain vitality.

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