Summer Travel Tips for No Weight Regain

Summer Travel Tips for No Weight Regain

Note from a fellow bariatric patient…

Travel is awesome—it involves new places, fun experiences, and special time with loved ones. But it also involves food, sometimes lots of it. I’ve traveled many times since my weight loss surgery (internationally and on four cruises)!

It’s taken some practice, but I have finally learned to manage my trips so that I don’t come back 10 pounds heavier.

Here’s my strategy:

1. I focus on protein. I always start my day with an Unjury® protein shake and have already ordered my Chocolate Whey Protein Stick Packs for the three weeks I will spend in Europe this summer. When I get to a new city, I find a grocery store (even in foreign countries) and purchase the unsweetened almond milk that I use to make my shakes. When I’m on a cruise, I notify the cruise line that I need to have almond milk delivered to my cabin each morning. Finally, I always confirm that I will have a refrigerator available wherever I will be staying.

2. I plan ahead for meals. I never know what food will be available, so, to the greatest degree I can, I pack my own. For example, when on a cruise, each evening, we order room service food that we can take off the ship the next day. We then package it in the baggies that we brought from home. Not only do I get to control my food portions, but it also saves time hunting for restaurants and the potential consequences of having food that disagrees with my sensitive tummy. This is particularly true when abroad. I also take Unjury Chocolate Peanut Butter Mini Protein Bars in case I need a quick, healthy snack while exploring.

3. I stay hydrated. I carry a refillable water bottle and sugar-free, caffeine-free drink powder packets (Unjury Lemon Lime works well). I also use a fanny pack that holds my water bottle, phone, charge card, and a small amount of cash.

4. I pack my vitamins. I bring my bariatric vitamins (including extra if I am delayed in getting home). To make things easier, I put each day’s “stash” in a daily pill holder. I also set alarms to ensure that I don’t forget to take them during the excitement of my busy days.

5. I am active every day. My son and I are walkers, and we put many miles on our feet each day. However, when that is not possible (for example, on a sea day while cruising), we go to the gym and/or walk laps around the Promenade Deck.

6. I set “trip goals.” On our upcoming cruise, we have decided to drastically limit the amount of sugar that we consume, so we will only have a couple of special desserts. However, we will have some European breads, as they are amazing. Is it more than our normal amount of carbs? Yes, but it is far better than eating six desserts each day.

7. I ask for help with accountability. Once you determine your priorities, tell your travel companions, and ask them for help in sticking to your plan. My son and I have agreed to our “sweets/bread plan” and will help each other avoid dessert buffets and Italian gelato stands. It’s really not about the food anyway.

Travel is an amazing post-surgery gift, and it can be done without increasing your waistline! With a little planning and the above tips, your trip can be a joyful, guilt-free experience.

I can’t wait to see where you go this summer. Share where you are taking your Unjury protein this summer on our Unjury Cares Facebook Page.

—Your bariatric friend

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